Company Listings for Wheel Powder Coating
in Tires

Purcell Tire and Service Center
- 1335 W. 2100 S., Salt Lake City, UT 84119
- (801) 974-0300
- Areas of interest: Purcell Tire was founded in 1936 in Washington, Missouri by Robert Purcell and was passed to his son Bob Purcell and his wife Juanita who continue...
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Commercial Tire, Inc
- 575 N 400 W, N. Salt Lake, UT 84054
- (801) 936-5555
- In 1968 Commercial Tire started as a family business and remains that way today. We consider our customers and our employees, across fifty locations and four states, to be...
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Southern Tire Mart
- 5345 W. 2400 South, West Valley City, UT 84120
- (435) 817-6695
- Southern Tire Mart is the nation's #1 truck retreader in North America since 2007, the #1 Commercial tire dealer in the US since 2008, and the #1 commercial tire dealer since 2012. With over 200...
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